
Which are the most secure locks in the world?

Since there is no lock in the world that is impossible to open, the answer is simple: the most secure locks in the world are those that have the least chances of being opened by burglars. Discover how to get them and how we can protect our homes from potential thefts and burglaries.


How to determine the best lock for my home?

As we mentioned earlier, the best locks for our homes are those that minimize the chances of being opened, and this depends on three factors:

  1. Lock Quality: Higher quality locks naturally provide greater security.
  2. Technology: This is the most important factor. As technology advances, newer locks offer more secure security systems. Even if you have a high-quality lock, it is possible that a newer, more affordable lock may provide greater security simply because it incorporates more advanced technology that burglars have not yet deciphered. This is particularly true for digital locks, which we will discuss later.
  3. Neighborhood: This is a very important factor because burglars tend to operate within a specific neighborhood or residential area using the same method. Therefore, the dangers and potential risks you face are specific to your country, region, and particularly your neighborhood, as they depend on the modus operandi of criminal gangs operating in your area.

Therefore, analyzing these three factors will help you determine the ideal lock for your home. However, don’t worry about conducting your own study. In the next section, we will see how to obtain the answer easily.


Where to find the best lock for my home?

Since the best lock for our home depends on its quality, technology, and the neighborhood we live in, it is essential to consult a professional locksmith from our local area. We should not go to a different neighborhood just because we have heard good reviews about a particular professional or because we have a discount coupon to save some money.

The fact is, there is no one better to advise us than a local locksmith who is familiar with how burglars operate in our locality and the methods they have used in recent months. Therefore, they will be able to provide us with more accurate advice based on our specific needs (type of home, size, neighborhood, etc.) and recommend the ideal lock for us.


How to determine the best locksmith in our neighborhood?

Generally, since there are no absolute truths, we should consider the following three principles:

  1. Be cautious of professionals without a physical store: A professional who only operates with a mobile phone does not inspire much confidence, as:
    1. They likely have limited stock since they must store materials in a room at home or directly in their van, which greatly limits their ability to offer a variety of products. They may recommend installing whatever they have available at that moment, even if it’s not suitable for our needs.
    2. It indicates a lack of substantial experience. Typically, professionals who have spent more time in their field would have generated more economic capacity and have a larger physical shop.
    3. In case of any issues, relying solely on a phone number does not instill much confidence. If something goes wrong after the installation and they refuse to address it, how can we make a complaint? It is much easier if the professional has a physical shop since they would be obligated to handle any problems.
  2. Better shop, better service: Naturally, the larger the physical shop, the greater the stock of products they can offer. Therefore, the locksmith will have a wider range of possibilities to advise us based on our needs. If we visit a locksmith with fewer products, even if they know it’s not what suits us best, they won’t direct us to the competition but rather recommend another product they have in stock.
  3. Trust experienced locksmiths: The more years a professional has dedicated to their craft, not only guarantees more experience but also ensures higher quality service. Otherwise, they would have lost clients and would no longer be in the profession.

By considering these principles, you can have a better idea of how to find a reliable and experienced locksmith in your neighborhood.


Is it worth spending a lot of money on a lock?

It’s incredible how people are willing to spend an entire month’s salary on the latest generation mobile phone, which they will likely need to replace in 3 or 4 years. At the same time, they hesitate to spend more than 10% of their salary on a good lock that can protect their home for a long time. Does this reasoning make sense? Clearly, it does not.

We must be aware that, in general, our home and all the belongings inside represent a significant portion of our assets, while the savings we have in the bank represent only a small part. Would you risk depositing your savings in an insecure bank where you could lose everything just to save a small amount of money? I’m sure you wouldn’t. Therefore, it makes no sense to jeopardize our home and possessions in exchange for saving a little money on a cheap lock.

Obviously, it is not necessary to buy the most advanced and expensive lock unless you have a substantial amount of jewelry, cash, artworks, etc. However, it is essential to avoid purchasing the cheapest lock on the market. The rational approach is to buy a lock that is suitable for the characteristics of our neighborhood, home, and possessions. A professional locksmith from our local area will be the most qualified person to advise us on purchasing the ideal lock.


Is it easy for a thief to open the lock of my house?

Quick answer: If you have a standard and common lock from the early 2000s or earlier, it is extremely easy for a thief to open it. To give you an idea of the situation, according to experts, in United States, one of the most developed countries in the world, it is estimated that most of locks are outdated and can be easily opened by criminal gangs that are not particularly skilled.

This wouldn’t be much of a concern if there were only a few burglaries, but unfortunately, that is not the case. According to recent statistics, there are thousands of burglaries in homes in United States, and this number doesn’t even include thefts where burglars leave no trace of their entry.


Are electronic locks better?

If by “better” we mean more secure and harder to open, the short answer is that, in general, electronic locks are indeed better. However, it ultimately depends on their quality. They are typically more secure because they are more modern and have advanced technology. However, if you purchase a cheap smart lock, it is entirely possible that it may be less secure than a higher-quality conventional lock.

If by “better” we mean having more features, then the answer is a resounding yes. Electronic or smart locks currently offer advantages that conventional locks do not have, and these can be very useful depending on our needs. Some of these features include:

  • Ability to open the door with different devices and methods: fingerprint, remote control, mobile phone, proximity card, entering a digital password, etc.
  • Capability to assign temporary passwords for guests.
  • Instant ability to change the password or lock the door from a mobile phone if a household member loses their access device or if it’s stolen.
  • Option for an alarm and mobile phone alerts if someone attempts to enter our home by force or tampering with the lock.

These are the main functions offered by modern electronic locks. If you want to learn more about their advantages and disadvantages in more detail, you can read our article on electronic locks.


Is it easy and fast to install a lock?

For a professional locksmith, installing a lock is easy and quick. However, if we don’t have knowledge in this area, not only will it be challenging and time-consuming, but in some cases, it may be impossible due to a lack of appropriate tools.

The best advice is to hire the services of a local locksmith who can quickly complete the job and ensure a proper installation that won’t cause problems in the future.

It is only advisable to attempt DIY installations for additional security elements for our door, which in most cases, we can install ourselves without any issues. If you’re interested in such a product, the following link offers an invisible electronic lock that provides great features and functionality at an extremely affordable price.


Do I need to change the lock if I lose my key?

It is advisable not to take any risks and change the lock, especially if you don’t know where you lost the key. It’s possible that it was actually stolen by a thief or that someone took possession of it after you lost it.

It’s important to note that changing the lock doesn’t involve a significant cost since you won’t need to replace the entire lock system, but only its combination. This operation is straightforward, and any locksmith can do it for a low price.

Furthermore, if you have lent your key to someone who later proves to be untrustworthy, it is also recommended to change the lock on your home, even if the key was returned to you. There’s no guarantee that person didn’t make a copy without your knowledge.

Keep in mind that if someone enters your home with a key and illegitimately takes any of your belongings without using force or violence, it would be considered theft rather than robbery. This may affect the coverage provided by your home insurance policy.


What is the difference between robbery and theft in a home?

There is a significant legal difference: robbery involves the theft of property using force or violence, while theft refers to the act of stealing without the use of any violence.

This distinction is of great importance, as we will see below.


Does home insurance cover all types of theft?

Unless specified in the insurance policy that it also includes theft, your insurance will only cover cases of theft involving forced entry. In other words, if there are no signs of forced entry, the insurer will consider it a simple theft (hurto) and will not provide coverage.

Additionally, if the theft is covered, the insurer will conduct a thorough assessment of your home to verify the accuracy of the information declared in the policy, primarily focusing on two elements:

  1. Value of your possessions
  2. Security measures in the home

If the actual data does not correspond to what was declared in the insurance policy, the insurer may reduce the coverage or even refuse to pay in extreme cases. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully analyze the coverage when purchasing a policy and provide accurate information about your home. Similarly, if significant changes occur in your home or possessions, it is necessary to inform your insurer to update the policy and ensure full coverage.

You may find it strange that an insurer can refuse to pay in cases of theft or discrepancies between the declared data in the policy and the actual data, but this is perfectly legal. The insurer is simply protecting its position and verifying that the declared information is accurate and that the policy includes the claimed coverage, as the premium is based on the declared information and the contracted coverage.


Can a better lock reduce my insurance premium?

In some cases, if the improvement in your lock is significant, it can result in a decrease in the premium you pay for your home insurance.

However, if you only change the lock without replacing the door or implementing other security measures for your home, the price variation is likely to be insignificant.


Does a better lock design compromise its security?

In no case does a beautiful design make our lock worse or less secure. Nowadays, the lock market offers a wide range of options, and if we are concerned about the aesthetics of our home entrance, it will not compromise our security.

If the models you see at your local locksmith do not convince you, there is no need to go to a larger locksmith. Ask for a catalog, and you will see how you can choose from countless possibilities to find a lock that is aesthetically perfect for your personal taste, including color, texture, shape, design, etc.


Does leaving the key inside the lock serve any purpose?

The habit and belief that leaving the key inside the lock prevents someone from entering from the outside is completely false.

If you have a single-cylinder lock (typically all old locks are), leaving the key inside is a danger, as a thief can easily turn it from the outside or make a copy of the key to use on another day when you’re not home. In this scenario, if there is no evidence of forced entry, everything they steal will be considered theft and not burglary, which could lead your insurance to deny coverage.

On the other hand, if you have a more modern double-cylinder lock, simply leaving the key inside will be of no use.



Today, it is essential to have a good lock to protect your home; otherwise, you will be exposed to possible burglaries. Consult with your local locksmith, and they will advise you on the perfect lock for your home. If you wish, you can opt for an electronic lock to have additional features that may be of interest to you. For more information about these electronic locks, feel free to read our article on electronic locks.