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8 Ways to monitor your home from your mobile phone

Whether you live alone and spend a lot of time away from home or you’re away from your primary residence for extended periods, if you want to have perfect control over the security of your home from your mobile phone, here are the top 8 ways to do it:


1. Security Cameras

When it comes to having great control over your property through your mobile phone, nothing beats the ability to see your home in real-time. You might think that this is expensive and complicated, but the truth is that you can have indoor or outdoor surveillance cameras with the following features at a very affordable price:

  • High-quality video
  • Clear recorded sound
  • Night vision
  • Motion detection
  • Mobile alerts in case of intruder detection
  • Real-time viewing of your home from your mobile phone
  • Wireless Wi-Fi system
  • Free app for management
  • Easy installation and setup
  • Modern design

Moreover, it’s worth noting that these cameras can be used for many other activities, such as monitoring your pets or babies, which is very useful and practical for any family. If you’re interested in acquiring this type of security camera, we recommend the following surveillance camera from Stoprobberies.com. For a very affordable price, you can easily purchase and install a high-quality camera with multiple functionalities.


2. Smart Plugs

An effective way to ensure the security of our home when we’re not inside is through simulating our presence. This can be easily achieved using programmable smart plugs, which allow us to connect a light source that simulates human presence and deters potential intruders.

Through digital programming from the plug or its connection to a Wi-Fi network, we can:

  • Set up the plug’s schedule
  • Instantly turn the plug on or off

This is not only useful for simulating our presence with lamps but also for controlling various appliances outside our home. If you’re interested in purchasing a smart plug, you can find an incredible one at an affordable price through the following link. You can install it yourself and easily control it from your mobile phone using the free app.


3. Security Alarm Systems

Today, alarms are not just sound devices for detecting intruders; they are sophisticated systems that serve up to 3 functions:

  1. Early detection of intruders: Modern alarms have technology capable of detecting intruders in advance, so they won’t be able to cause any harm to the property. The alarm will sound before they enter, and they will flee immediately.
  2. Alarm self-management system: When an alarm is triggered, if you have a central monitoring service, they will verify if it’s a real robbery or a false alarm. After verification, they will notify the police and inform the homeowners.
  3. Intruder deterrent systems: The latest alarms come with systems to repel thieves if they manage to enter the property. The most common method used today is the deployment of dense smoke to impair visibility, which instantly forces intruders to flee.

To have all these functions in our alarm system, we need to rely on an alarm company that will handle the installation and provide ongoing service. This involves an initial investment and subsequent periodic payments for central monitoring service. However, nowadays it’s possible to purchase and self-install highly accurate and quality alarms at very affordable prices. These alarms have intrusion detection functionality and can send alerts to our mobile phones. In this case, it’s important to note that we will be responsible for managing the situation in case the alarm goes off, and the only deterrent will be the audible alarm, which, as statistics confirm, is the most effective method.

By installing these alarms, we can know the status of our home at any time and instantly through the free app they provide, even during power outages since these alarms operate on long-lasting autonomous batteries. Additionally, thanks to the application, we can easily manage the alarm system from our mobile phone without any issues.

If you’re interested in this type of alarm system, we recommend the following high-quality alarm system that can be fully controlled from your mobile phone at a relatively low price. With basic user-level technological knowledge, you can install and operate it in your home without major complications.


4. Invisible Lock

In case you haven’t heard of these locks, let us give you a brief summary: They are additional locks installed alongside the main lock on your door, which can be easily installed by yourself and provide additional security through two ways:

  1. Additional closure: This means that if a thief manages to force the main lock, there would still be an additional lock preventing access.
  2. Not externally visible: In the event that the main lock is opened and the presence of a second lock is noticed, it would be impossible to manipulate it as it is not externally visible.

These locks come with remote controls for easy opening and closing, as well as a modern and aesthetic design, their own power supply through batteries, an emergency interior unlocking system, and most importantly, a free app to manage them from our mobile phone. With this app, we can:

  1. Lock and unlock the door.
  2. Receive notifications and alerts.
  3. Authorize other people temporarily or permanently.

It is a truly interesting option, mainly due to its low cost and easy installation (no complex tools required).


5. Alarms on windows and entrances

If your home has multiple points of entry and/or ground-level windows, it would be highly advisable to install alarms on these points to address vulnerabilities in your home.

These alarms are easy to install by yourself and do not come at a high cost. Most models offer remote controls for activation and deactivation, and in some cases, the possibility of full management through our mobile phone.


6. Fire alarm

Nowadays, there are fire alarms available on the market that can be connected to a Wi-Fi network and provide immediate notification in case of a fire in our home.

These alarms do not take up much space, are easy to install, have modern and aesthetic designs, and have highly durable battery power.


7. Local Press

Depending on the location of your house, it is always a good idea to follow local press news on your mobile phone, especially if your house is located in an isolated urbanization and if you have the capacity to return or send someone in case of emergency. This way, you can stay informed about:

  1. Forest fires in nearby areas: Very common in urbanizations surrounded by wooded areas, especially in summer, where the danger can be very high. If we have pets at home or valuable items and the risk of fire is high, we may still have time to personally go home or have a family member or friend with keys go and save whatever we can in the face of such a dangerous threat.
  2. Storm-related floods: There are many urbanizations, even newly built ones, constructed in high-risk flood areas where the water drainage systems are completely insufficient. These floods can be predicted with some advance notice, so if we live on the ground floor, we may have time to build barriers to prevent water from entering our home or move valuable furniture from the lowest part of the house to a higher area.
  3. Thunderstorms: Thunderstorms can cause power surges that can damage connected electronic devices. That’s why it is important to disconnect them before leaving, not only for energy savings.


If you have programmable plugs that control lights to simulate human presence at night for security, water plants, or feed pets through devices, you can turn off all the circuit breakers except those that affect these plugs when you leave.

If you forgot to unplug electrical devices and there is a risk of a thunderstorm, if you are not too far away, you can always go back to disconnect them as a precaution. Otherwise, it would be advisable to send someone whom you have given keys to do it.

Lastly, if you were unable to disconnect your electrical devices in any way and you learn through the press that there has been a thunderstorm that has caused disruptions in your area, it is important to check if you have been personally affected for three reasons:

  1. Check if the thunderstorm has affected your refrigerator and freezer: If that’s the case, you still have time to save your food and avoid the unpleasant surprise of returning home to find decomposed food that will create an unbearable odor throughout your house.
  2. Initiate the claims process with your insurance company: Some home insurance policies require that you file a claim within a certain period of time after the incident; otherwise, they will not cover the costs. That’s why it’s always recommended to initiate the claims process as soon as possible.
  3. Increased risk of burglaries: In the same area, a criminal gang may focus their activities and carry out a series of burglaries within a short period of time. If this is happening in your locality, the local press will most likely report on it, explaining the modus operandi of these criminals and providing recommendations from the authorities to protect yourself specifically from them.


Finally, it’s important to know that if a major disaster were to occur in your locality and your home was severely affected, it may be declared a “disaster area,” which could entitle you to receive assistance in addition to what your personal home insurance may cover.


8. WhatsApp with Neighbors

As a last resort, it is always important to have a good relationship with your neighbors and have their phone numbers in your mobile contacts. This way, in case of any emergency (storm-related flood, fire, water leak, etc.), you can stay informed even if you are not present at home.

Additionally, if you have a good relationship with a neighbor on your floor, if you live in an apartment building, or with a neighbor on your street, if you live in a detached house, you can inform them of your absence if you are away from home for a while on vacation or for any other reason. This way, if something happens, you will have a trusted contact who can inform you immediately.


Final Advice

All the points mentioned above are the best ways to control your home through your mobile phone when you are not there. However, they are not the only ways to secure your home when you are away, as there are many other methods. If you want to know all the key points to prevent burglaries in your home when you are away for a while, don’t miss our article “19 Keys to prevent burglaries at home during your vacation.”