
How to Find Out Who is Scratching Your Car on the Street

Having your car scratched is one of the most frustrating experiences for any driver. Whether it’s due to deliberate vandalism or an unfortunate accident, seeing a new scratch on your car can cause great indignation. Fortunately, there are methods to discover who is behind this type of damage. Here are some steps and tips to help you identify the culprit and take appropriate action.

1. Install Security Cameras

One of the most effective ways to find out who is scratching your car is by installing security cameras. There are various options available, from home security cameras to specific car cameras.

Home Security Cameras: If your car is parked near your house, consider installing a security camera that points to where you usually park. Modern cameras have high resolution and night recording capabilities, which are crucial for obtaining clear evidence.

Dash Cams: These cameras are not only useful while driving but some also have a parked mode surveillance feature. They can record any movement around your car when it is off. Ensure the camera has a long-lasting battery or is connected to the car’s power for continuous monitoring.

2. Use Surveillance Apps and Devices

There are surveillance devices on the market designed specifically to monitor your car. Some of these devices have motion sensors and cameras that activate when detecting activity near the vehicle. These devices usually send a notification to your smartphone, allowing you to act immediately.

GPS Devices with Motion Alerts: Besides tracking your car’s location, some GPS devices also have sensors that detect unexpected movements and send alerts to your phone. Although these devices do not record video, they can be an additional tool to detect possible incidents.

3. Talk to Your Neighbors

Your neighbors can be a great source of information. They may have seen something suspicious or have security cameras pointing toward the street. Don’t hesitate to ask if they have noticed anything unusual or have recordings that might help you.

Community Collaboration: Creating a neighborhood group in a messaging app can be an effective way to keep everyone informed about incidents in the area. By staying connected, neighbors can quickly share information and be more alert to suspicious activities.

4. Review Patterns and Timelines

If you notice that the damage occurs regularly, try to identify patterns. Does it always happen at the same time of day or on the same days of the week? Is there a specific event that coincides with the incidents? Identifying patterns can help you be more vigilant during critical times and adjust your surveillance methods accordingly.

5. Look for Witnesses

If the damage occurs in a busy area, such as a supermarket parking lot or a crowded street, there may be witnesses. Talk to people who frequent the area and ask if they saw anything unusual.

Supermarkets and Local Businesses: Employees of nearby stores and businesses can be key witnesses. Ask if they have noticed anyone loitering near your car or acting suspiciously.

6. Report to the Police

If the damage is recurring and you have suspicions or evidence, don’t hesitate to report the incident to the police. Provide any evidence you have, such as security camera recordings or witness testimonies. Although they may not solve the case immediately, having an official report can be helpful for future insurance claims and for increasing police patrols in the area.

7. Consider Deterrent Measures

In addition to trying to identify the culprit, it’s important to take measures to prevent future damage. Some options include:

Parking in Safer Places: If possible, park your car in garages or well-lit areas. Vandals are less likely to act in places where they can be easily seen.

Car Covers: A cover can not only protect your car’s paint from accidental damage but also deter vandals. It is less likely that someone will take the time to remove a cover just to scratch the car.

Deterrent Signs: Placing a sign indicating that the area is under surveillance by cameras can be enough to scare off potential vandals.

8. Document the Damage

Keep a detailed record of each incident. Take pictures of the scratches and note the dates and times they occurred. This documentation can be useful if you decide to file a complaint or an insurance claim.

9. Evaluate Legal Options

If you manage to identify the culprit, consider your legal options. Consulting with a lawyer can help you understand the possible actions you can take, whether it’s filing a lawsuit for damages or seeking compensation.


Finding out who is scratching your car can be a long and frustrating process, but with patience and the right tools, it is possible to identify the responsible party. A combination of technology, community collaboration, and preventive measures can help protect your car and hopefully put an end to the damage. Always remember to act legally and ethically in your search for answers and consider all available options to keep your vehicle safe.


How to Prevent Your Car from Getting Scratched on the Street: A Comprehensive Guide

Parking your car on the street can be stressful due to the risk of damage, such as having your paint scratched. Here, we present a series of strategies and tips to minimize the chances of this happening.

1. Choose Your Parking Spot Carefully

One of the most important factors is where you decide to leave your car. Opt to park on well-lit streets with a lot of pedestrian traffic, as visibility deters vandals. Avoid isolated areas or those known for vandalism.

2. Use Protective Covers

Car covers not only protect against dust and weather conditions but can also deter someone from scratching the paint. A cover makes it less attractive and more difficult to quickly damage the vehicle without being seen.

3. Install Surveillance Cameras

If possible, install a surveillance camera or dashcam that records while the car is parked. Some cameras have motion sensors and can deter potential vandals by making them aware they are being recorded.

4. Use Decals and Warning Signs

Placing stickers indicating the presence of a security system or cameras can be an effective measure. Even if you do not have an advanced system, the perception of security can be enough to deter vandals.

5. Use Technology to Your Advantage

There are alarm systems that can detect attempts of vandalism. Installing additional sensors that react to vibrations or attempts to force doors and windows can alert you in time to prevent damage.

6. Physical Barriers

Place rubber or plastic protectors on the sides of the car. Although they are primarily designed to prevent damage when opening doors in parking lots, they can also reduce the severity of intentional scratches.

7. Avoid Leaving Valuables in Plain Sight

Do not leave valuables visible inside the car, as they can attract criminals and increase the risk of them attempting to enter or damage your vehicle.

8. Connect with the Community

Neighborhood watch programs are a powerful tool. Stay connected with your neighbors and participate in community watch groups. A united neighborhood can be much more effective in deterring vandalism.

9. Park in Garages or Monitored Parking Lots

Whenever possible, use garages or parking lots with surveillance. Although it may have an additional cost, the security and peace of mind it offers can be worth it.

10. Additional Protective Measures

Marking Parts: Consider marking your mirrors and other parts with a unique identifier. This can help trace components if they are stolen. Anti-theft Screws: Use special screws on mirrors and other easily removable parts to make theft more difficult.


Protecting your car from vandalism and scratches on the street requires a combination of preventive strategies and security devices. While no measure can guarantee complete protection, implementing these tips can significantly reduce the risk and provide greater peace of mind.

At cerorobos.com, we believe that with a little preparation and attention, you can effectively protect your vehicle. If you are interested in learning more about how to protect other aspects of your daily life, feel free to explore our other articles on security and theft prevention.